My Story
Hello and welcome!
My name is Laura Grindle. I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue a journey of learning, growth and service through Joyful Soul Studio. Those could be the only words on this page because they pretty well sum up the reasons I started Joyful Soul Studio.
But since this is the “about” section of the website, you're probably here to figure out if booking a session at Joyful Soul Studio is right for you. I’m glad you’re asking this question. And in response to it, I'd say the most important thing for you to consider is: what does your inner voice say to do?

That “inner voice” is also what’s most relevant to share about me and how Joyful Soul Studio started. Who I am mainly comes down to my relationship with my inner voice. For much of my life, I ignored that voice… I didn’t think it was big enough, smart enough, right enough… or just enough… I certainly didn’t trust it. After the birth of my first child, this started to change. I began recognizing that this voice was coming from a place of deeper truth and understanding. And slowly… VERY slowly, my mind and heart began to listen, and open. In the beginning, I was often challenged to acknowledge the deeper awareness that this inner voice shared. I often turned away or closed it down for long periods of time. Gradually, I began recognizing the wisdom of this inner voice. And then I decided to do the scariest thing… to trust and follow the guidance that it shared. It took me many years to recognize this inner voice as that of my Soul. To be clear, this journey has never been a straight path… it’s been stops and starts, peaks and valleys the whole way, and of course, it still is! It is along this path that I found my way to Reiki, and eventually… to starting Joyful Soul Studio.
While on this path… I've raised a family with my husband and together we helped to create a nonprofit in Columbus, Ohio called, See Kids Dream, with the intention of enabling young people from all communities to recognize their inner voice, through service to others. In addition to being a Reiki Master in the Usui Reiki lineage, I am also a 15-year student of Iyengar Yoga, a licensed special education teacher, an organic gardener, a DIY camper van builder and a nursing school drop-out. I share these seemingly unrelated experiences because each of them has given me the gifts of skill, wisdom, curiosity and love which support the unique and customized approach I use to support my clients' wellness everyday.
In my experience, Reiki is one of the most powerful tools to bring a person into a space where they can rest, connect, heal and grow in the Love and Light of their own Soul. This is why I want to share this practice with you and why I am grateful for the opportunity to do so.