Intro To Reiki
Give Reiki a try, risk free!
We'll start with a brief overview of Reiki and the complimentary techniques I use. And then we'll do 30 minutes of Reiki, followed by discussion and recommendations to support your continued wellness. If you end up deciding that Reiki isn't a good fit for you, your payment will be refunded.
Length: 1 hour
Price: $60
General Wellness
For overall physical and mental well-being
This session serves as a preventative health measure, while also providing time to address any specific health concerns or intentions that you may have. It includes time to discuss your needs, 40 minutes of Reiki and time for follow up suggestions to maximize ongoing wellness.
Length: 1 hour
Price: $70
This session is pure "melt!"
This session is specifically designed to bring you into the deeper states of relaxation that Reiki provides. If your body or mind are craving rest, this session is a great choice. We'll start with a simple mindfulness meditation, followed by 40 minutes of Reiki, and wrap up with a mantra to carry forward, and support continued return to peace and well-being.
Length: 1 hour
Price: $70
Chronic Pain Relief
Ideal for chronic health conditions
Utilizing a customized combination of Reiki, Mindfulness, and simple Yoga positions, we'll work gently and deeply, to reduce pain in the body, while supporting a refreshed perspective. This session includes 45 minutes of Reiki plus additional time to apply and teach a layered healing approach which you can use at home.
Length: 90 minutes
Price: $90
Focused Consultation
Ideal to target any specific area of physical or mental wellness
Most people experience some level of relief from their first session of Reiki. However, chronic mental or physical health challenges tend to be more deeply rooted in the energy body, often requiring multiple sessions of Reiki to develop longer-lasting or sustained relief. The Focused Consultation is ideal for someone who is seeking Reiki support for a specific health challenge. During this consultation, we will have more time to discuss your needs. We will do 45 minutes of Reiki, and then I will use input from that session to develop a customized multi-session plan to target improvement in your symptoms. The plan will include suggestions for follow-up sessions and progress tracking to ensure you are getting the best outcomes.
Length: 90 minutes
Price: $90